Sarah Sackville

Heya! I'm Sarah or many call me Sacky! Some years ago a solo 3 month trip through Asia changed me forever. It stirred the adventurer in me and gave me the confidence to try new things. The desire to accomplish these new tasks became addictive and thus a slight attention deficit approach to participating in outdoor sports was born. A problem arose when I realised that my lifestyle couldn't incorporate the normal 9-5 so I became a freelance writer! So here I am somewhere between random library desks, mountains and the surf soaking up this opportunity!

Just The Basics: What Gear You Need As A Beginner Climber (2024)

Let me guess, you’ve tried climbing for the first time recently, you’ve become hooked and now you want to scale all the mountains in the world?! Rather than sliding into others well lubricated shoes or having to rely on the generosity of other climber’s gear which can be become time consuming if you’re swapping gear

Just The Basics: What Gear You Need As A Beginner Climber (2024) Read More »