Shawna Newman

Shawna currently lives in Las Vegas where she gets in lots of great hiking at Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to visit each one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoors activity is hiking and her favorite National Park (so far) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.

What’s The Difference Between Pan-Pizza And Hand Tossed Pizza? (Dominos, Pizza Hut, and more)

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, and obviously our favorite food. It has a wide variety of shapes, sizes, crusts, and toppings depending on where you order it. When it’s time to order a pizza, the crust is one of the most important factors to consider – and it may

What’s The Difference Between Pan-Pizza And Hand Tossed Pizza? (Dominos, Pizza Hut, and more) Read More »