How To Build A Duck Blind For A Boat

When you first think of boats, it is likely that one of the first things that you associate them with will be fishing. Boats are commonly used by fishermen to make catching fish a lot easier, and to allow them better access to lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.

But fishing isn’t the only form of hunting that you can do on a boat. In fact, boats are often used by those who go out hunting ducks as they can make accessing these birds a lot easier.

How To Build A Duck Blind For A Boat

Of course, you can’t use any old boat to hunt ducks, because ducks are actually pretty smart. When ducks hear or see a boat coming, they will typically fly away, so you have to be very careful with the type of boat that you use. That is why so many people now use duck blinds to cover their boat, and make it suitable for hunting ducks.

If you haven’t made one of these before, then it is likely that you don’t know where to begin. In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at what a duck blind is, and how to build one for your boat. So, to find out more, keep on reading.

What Is A Duck Blind For A Boat?

First things first, let’s take a look at what a duck blind for a boat is. As we have said, a duck blind is something that is added to a boat in order to make it suitable for hunting ducks.

It is possible to purchase duck blinds for boats, and it is also possible to purchase boats that are specifically designed for hunting ducks.

Despite this, most people tend to take on the task of creating a duck blind themselves because it can cut costs significantly, and they are often pretty fun to make.

When you make your own duck blind, it can feel like quite an achievement. Especially when it works, and you manage to use it successfully to catch ducks.

In essence, a duck blind is just a shelter that can be added to any boat. Unlike most shelters, this shelter is not used to protect you from adverse weather conditions. Instead, it is used to keep you concealed.

Duck blinds are typically camouflage in color, and they are covered with leaves, twigs, reeds, and grasses to make them blend in with the body of water that you are sailing on. This gives you the element of surprise, making catching ducks easier.

What Does A Duck Blind do?

From what we’ve already said, you’ve likely gathered that the whole purpose of a duck blind is to hide yourself from ducks when you are out hunting them.

A duck blind gives duck hunters cover, and conceals their presence from the ducks until right at the last minute. This gives hunters the benefit of surprising the ducks, and this plays a massive role in hunting ducks successfully.

Outside concealing a hunter from the view of ducks, duck blinds do not really have much purpose. Their design is simple, and their uses are minimal.

Duck blinds do not do a great job at keeping you dry or warm while you are out on the boat, so they are very different to most covers that you would add to a boat. But, ultimately, this is because they have one sole purpose, and that is to give hunters the element of surprise over ducks.

They do this very well, when they are built correctly, of course. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how to build a duck blind for a boat.

How To Build A Duck Blind For A Boat

How To Build A Duck Blind For A Boat (1)

So, now that you know exactly what a duck blind is, and what it does, let’s take a look at how to build one yourself.

There are actually a couple of different methods that you can follow to make a duck blind for your boat, but we’re going to take a look at one of the best methods, and that involves using PVC. This method is great because you can ensure that your frame fits your boat perfectly.

That is why this method begins with taking measurements of your boat.

You should begin by measuring the length and width of your boat, but make sure that you take the inside measurement. The duck blind will attach to the inside of your boat, not the outside of your boat. So, if you measure the outside, the duck blind will not fit.

Next, you should take your PVC pipes and a suitable tool, then begin to cut them down to the right measurement. The first cuts that you should make should match the length of the inside of your boat. The best tool for this job is probably a hacksaw, as this tool will make cutting the pipe easy.

If possible, you should use a piece of PVC pipe which has a diameter of around 2-inches. This is the best diameter if you want your duck frame to be strong. Once you have made this cut, repeat it on a second piece of PVC pipe so that you have 2 lengths of pipe to begin making your frame.

Once you have cut the two lengths of pipe, you then have to cut the pipe into 3 equal, smaller pieces. To make sure you get this right, divide the length of your pipe by 3 and make the cuts in line with these measurements.

With these pipes cut into 3 pieces (meaning you now have 6 smaller pieces of pipe), you are ready to move onto the next step.

The whole point of cutting the pipes into smaller pieces is to add greater stability. To enhance this further, you need to gather T connections, and use these to connect the pipes together.

Once you are confident with the layout of the pipes, you can then use glue to seal each pipe directly into the T connections. Once you have glued them in place, you should now have 2 lengths of pipe that measure the same as your original pipes, but are now a lot stronger.

With that done, it is then time to connect your frame to your boat. The best attachment for this job is conduit clamps. These clamps can attach to the PVC pipes, then be connected to your boat.

But to make sure they do the job correctly, ensure that you buy conduit clamps with the same depth as your pipe. For every 2 feet of pipe, you should fit a conduit clamp to the side of your boat.

You can then move onto the vertical components of your frame. It is entirely up to you how tall you make your frame, but we usually recommend making the up-pipes no longer than 2 feet.

Cut 6 of these, and then fit them into the upwards T connections from earlier. When you are confident with their placement, glue them into place. You then need to get out the hacksaw, and PVC pipes once again.

To ensure your frame is as strong as possible, you will need to cut 2 more pipes that measure the length of your boat, and 3 more pipes that measure the width of your boat. Use the measurements that you took earlier.

With the two lengths cut, you should then cut these into 3 pieces, like you did earlier. This should leave you with 9 pieces of pipe: 6 which make up the length of your boat, and 3 which are cut to the width of your boat.

It is then time to connect these pipes. Do this by first installing 4-way pipe connections onto the top of the vertical pipes. You can then begin installing your pipes, starting with the 3 horizontal pipes that are being added for structural integrity. With them in place, it is time to install your top frame.

Using the connections that you added earlier and 4 T-connections, install the additional lengths of bar to make the frame complete.

With this installed, you can then begin decorating your boat. It is best to do this in layers, so start by painting the frame either a dark camo green, or brown. You should then invest in some camouflage netting, and install this across the entire frame.

It is best to install it in sections so that you have plenty of area to enter/exit the frame. With that secure in place, all that there is left to do is cover the frame with long grass, twigs, leaves, and other outdoor materials. This will give the final touch to your duck blind, and it will then be ready to use.


In short, as you can see, building a duck blind for your boat is actually surprisingly easy. This is the main reason why so many people take on this task themselves. So, if you want to try out making your own duck blind, check out the guide above to find out how to do this.

DIY Duck Blind On A Boat

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